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Cancer foods to avoid

he main reason for the spread of liver cancer is the changing lifestyle and improper eating habits. Most of us do not know that some of the foods we eat every day are slowly causing cancer. Here are some of the 14 foods that can cause cancer.1. Processed meat - meat is not a great deal to cook it as soon as you buy it. But eating meat is packed with packets and other foods (puffs, burgers, pizzas, sandwiches) can cause cancer. Therefore, it is best to keep the meat in a chilled packet and avoid puffs, burgers, and sandwiches.Red meat - beef and mutton are red meat. According to the World Health Organization report, it is estimated that those who consume daily can have a 17 per cent increase compared with others.3. Alcohol and World Health Organization publishers report that cancer risk among men is three times higher than others. In alcoholics, cancer, throat, and liver cancers are common.4. Flavored Bakery - It is now very much burning with bacon fat. Such shops are active in our country till late in the night. But consuming excess mustache is a major cause of cancer.5. Excessive hot tea and coffee - tea and coffee are our regular drinks. Our day begins with drinking tea or coffee. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that drinking tea and coffee with boiling warmth is dangerous. This can cause cancer in the gastrointestinal tract.Columns - Columns are great favorites for children. Colals containing excess sweet and other chemicals are a drink that causes cancer.7. White bread - one of the most commonly eaten foods. But eating white maiden with maida does not only make it good for the body but also can cause cancer. If you eat bread, it is best to eat brown bread or wheat's bread.8. Tomato sauce - Tomato sauce is supposed to give us food when we eat from hotels. But these tomato sauce can cause cancer. Studies have shown that eating tomatoes can lead to cancer.9. If milk is excess, then milk-milk is absolutely essential. Drinking one or two glasses of milk is good for your health. Recent studies have shown that drinking milk is not good either. If you drink too much milk, it is 68 per cent more likely to have prostate cancer.10. Food and cooking without sugar and sugar can not be taken into account. But if you are overweight sugar is dangerous. If you consume excess sugar, the growth of cancer cells will be increased.11. The World Health Organization estimates that junk food - fast food can be consumed by eating meat and consuming red meat everyday. This leads to stomach cancer.Drinking soda-soda may increase the weight. But most people do not know that it can lead to cancer. A study by Swedish researchers in 2012 found that 40 percent of prophase cancer patients were found daily by prostate cancer patients. Those above 45 years of age are more likely to be13. Pasta - Pasta is a favorite food for many families. Eating a more white pasta can increase the risk of lung cancer. Researchers have found to have a white breast cancer risk option.14. Popcorn - Many of us have a habit of eating popcorn and eating potatoes while going to theaters to watch movies. But its chemicals can cause cancer
Cancer foods to avoid Cancer foods to avoid Reviewed by RASHEED RASHI on September 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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