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Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Mucus fishing syndrome
Mucus fishing syndrome (MFS), as the term implies is a repetitive condition in which a person is obsessed with "fishing" out mucus from the eyes, in turn irritating it further, causing more secretion.
It may start with the onset of some eye issue, triggering the production of mucus. In an attempt to clean the mucus, a person may touch the sensitive part of the eyes, irritating it further. And in case he or she is not able to stop the additional cleaning of the mucus, the vicious cycle of mucus secretion and cleaning continues.
Some of the common causes of MFS are:

Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
  • Conjunctivitis: It can be due to viral, bacterial infection or irritant allergies.
  • Dry eyes: The eyes are not lubricated enough, as the quality and quantity of the tears are poor. It may lead to excess mucus production in the eye.
  • Blepharitis: The infection of the eyelids that may trigger abnormal mucus secretion.
  • Dacryocystitis: The main symptom 0f dacryocystitis is eye discharge. It is because of the blocked tear ducts of the eyes.
  • Body-focused repetitive behaviour (BFRB): Here a person has the habit of doing a repetitive action, focusing on the part of the body. In MFS, he or she cleans their eyes with fingers, cotton swabs, earbuds, tissues, etc. repetitively.
Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
The need to "fish out" the mucus strands is the primary symptom.
Secondary symptoms are generally a result of continually cleaning the eyes:
  • Watery eyes
  • Pain or burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
  • Inflamed eyes
  • Red or swollen eyes
  • Itchy eyes
Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Your ophthalmologist will take the details of past and present eye illnesses. You may be asked to undergo an eye examination, which is done by dilating your pupil.
  • Stop "fishing": Stop the habit of cleaning the eyes unnecessarily.
  • Treating the underlying condition: If the mucus secretion is because of an underlying condition, it will be addressed on priority.
  • You will be advised to take warm or cold compresses, lubricating eye drops, antibiotics or steroidal eye drops.
  • BFRB is tackled via habit-reversal training.
Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention
To keep eyes healthy you can follow these tips, though it may not prevent all the eye problems:
  • Following proper eye, hygiene is the first and foremost thing in preventing excess mucus secretion.
  • Refrain from touching your eyes unnecessarily.
  • Take care of your eyes.
  • Go for an annual eye checkup.
The mucus fishing syndrome can increase the risk of eye-related infections.
Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Mucus fishing syndrome,Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention Reviewed by RASHEED RASHI on September 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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