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Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits

Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits

Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits
Amazing reasons of Drumsticks or moringa has always been one of the favourite vegetables of Indians. It is widely used in Indian dishes like sambhar, pickles, etc., due to its health benefits. Almost every part of the drumstick tree can be consumed like the fruit, leaves, flowers, etc., due to its nutrient value.
But did you ever know that drumsticks can help in your beauty regime? Yes, you read that right. Drumstick is becoming a common ingredient in cosmetic products these days because of its beauty enhancing properties.
Here are some beauty benefits of including drumsticks in your beauty regime and also check out an amazing drumstick face pack that you can try at home.

  • Treating Pimples
Drumsticks can help in fighting acne and breakouts. For this, you can apply some moringa oil on the affected area regularly. Also making a paste of moringa leaves and applying it on the acne and pimples will give you desired results. This is because drumsticks contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help in treating any kind of inflammation or breakouts on your skin.

Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits
  • Improves Skin Tone
Drumsticks help in improving the complexion of the skin by treating blemishes, dark spots and pigmentation. You can use the leaves of the drumsticks and make a paste out of it. Apply this paste on your dark spots and blemishes. You can repeat this 2-3 times in a week for faster results.

  • Slows Down Ageing
Moringa helps in slowing down the ageing of the skin. Regular use of it on the skin prevents free radical damage. It helps in reducing wrinkles and fine lines on the skin. It makes our skin firm and tight and prevents sagging. You can use moringa oil and moringa leaves for this purpose.

  • Gives Soft Lips
Drumsticks or moringa has hydrating properties that help in moisturising the lips. Due to this property of drumstick, it is used in lip care products widely. You can also apply moringa/drumstick oil on the lips every day before going to bed. This not only makes your lips moisturised but also helps in making your lips soft and supple.

  • Reduces Large Pores
Moringa or drumstick helps in boosting the collagen production of the skin that makes the skin firm and brighter. This will help in tightening the skin that will ultimately lead to the shrinkage of large pores of the skin.

  • How To Make A DIY Drumstick Face Mask At Home?
½ tbsp drumstick (moringa) powder
1 tbsp raw honey
1 tbsp of rose water
A few drops of lemon juice

Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits
  • How To Do
1. In a clean bowl mix together drumstick powder, raw honey, rose water and lemon juice.
2. Mix all the ingredients well to make a paste.
3. You can add a few drops of water to make the paste smooth if required.
4. Apply an even layer of this paste on cleansed face and neck.
5. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse it with lukewarm water.
6. Pat dry and finally massage gently with your favorite moisturizer.

Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits Drumsticks Amazing Beauty Benefits Reviewed by RASHEED RASHI on September 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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