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Youngsters heart attack, Things to note

Youngsters heart attack
Do you know how old is our heart? We will be like our age. But studies have shown that our age is higher than our age. Whenever a heart attack will come, Even young people can have heart attacks.The number of heart diseases increases day by day. Heart disease has become the leading cause of death in the world. Following a healthy lifestyle and proper eating habits can help protect your heart health. Let's look at things to keep your heart healthy.

Youngsters heart attack, Things to note1. Give up smokingSmoking is not something desirable for cardiovascular health. Quit smoking today to keep your heart healthy. Now smoke cigarettes stand out from those who smoke. Because the risk of passive smoking is increasing, the World Health Organization estimates.2. Consume fiber rich foodsYou should eat more fibers that are rich in cardiovascular health. In addition to fiber, ensure that vitamin and minerals are in the diet. Foods like wheat and oatmeal are good.3. Sleep enough timeSleep disturbance is not good for cardiovascular health. Adults should sleep 7-8 hours a day and children 8-9 hours. Some of the sleeping fewer than six hours are likely to cause heart attacks and blockheads.4. Reduce salt and sweetnessDiabetes and hypertension increase the risk of heart disease. Therefore, salt and sugar can be controlled from now on. If so, diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure can be avoided, causing heart disease ...5. Control AlcoholIt is absolutely necessary to control well if you can not get rid of alcohol completely. If alcohol is excessive, the amount of triglyceride in the blood increases. This is a major cause of heart disease.Youngsters heart attack, Things to note
6. Vegetables and fruitsInclude plenty of vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. Eat at least five types of vegetables and fruits a day. Apples, pomegranates, carrots, tomatoes, thorns, lettuce, beetroot and legumes are the most important food for the heart.

Youngsters heart attack, Things to note
7. ExerciseExercise your body well at least 30 minutes a day. It can be either walking, running, or exercising. Get off the stairs at the office and at home, or go to Gymnasium regularly. You should choose the most suitable and convenient exercises. It is better for older people to behave well. Youngsters should be involved in badminton, volleyball and football.

Youngsters heart attack, Things to note
8. SleepProper sleep is important for the health of the heart. Early before bedtime is good for health.
Youngsters heart attack, Things to note Youngsters heart attack, Things to note Reviewed by RASHEED RASHI on September 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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