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10 Ways to control excessive sweating

10 Ways to control excessive sweating

10 Ways to control excessive sweating
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10 Ways to control excessive sweating

sweating too much of the body of anyone who is physically working is a sign of health. However, many people lose confidence in themselves due to excessive sweating. Excessive sweating can sometimes be difficult for a person to do well. Excessive sweating can lead to excessive swelling of the thyroid gland, certain medications, sudden loss of body sugar, epilepsy, gout, bronchitis and other emotional causes. The body odor is caused by excessive organic matter and biological structure. Tobacco products are another cause .

“10 Ways to control excessive sweating”

1. Avoid garlic and onion as much as possible.
2. Reduce carnivores.
3. Soda, coffee, and tea are associated with an increased odor.
4. Avoid fried, roasted, and fatty foods.
5. Drink plenty of water; If water is present in the body, it will help to lower body temperature. It also helps to control the amount of sweat. Make it a habit to drink six to eight glasses of water a day.
6. Deodorants; Some deodorants can cause bacteria to grow on the skin. Therefore, you should use deodorants and soaps that suit your body.( 10 Ways to control excessive sweating)

7. Bathing in Hot Water When bathing in hot water the body may become hot. This can cause the body to sweat. Alcohol, alcohol, drugs and cigarettes reduce the body's ability to control sweat.
8. Caffeine; The caffeine in the coffee we eat increases our anxiety. This will make the body sweat better. So avoid caffeinated foods.(10 Ways to control excessive sweating)
9. Depression; Reduce Excessive sweating is another contributing factor. Tension and stress can stimulate sweat glands. It can cause you to sweat well. So always be happy.
10. Cotton dresses; Use Avoid clothes made of nylon and polyester and wear only cotton clothing. Use underwear made from quality cotton cloths. It absorbs sweat from the body and makes it easier to evaporate
10 Ways to control excessive sweating 10 Ways to control excessive sweating Reviewed by RASHEED RASHI on October 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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